Hi, I'm Adi.

I'm currently getting my B.Sc in Computer Science from Tel Aviv University.
If you're looking for a part time developer who knows python and java, contact me via LinkedIn or Email!
My previous work includes some image processing, algorithms and autonomous driving in the IDF, and cloud backend development for Radware.

Past projects and open-source contributions

Diabot - A diabetes-oriented chatbot for Discord (link)
Diabot includes a variety of tools and utilities for discord servers mostly revolving around diabetes-central feautres - glucose unit conversion, average estimation and configurable API calls to Nightscout for requesting live glucose levels and displaying graphs.
My contributions include several features for open issues, as well as bug fixes and refactoring.

Predictive Display - camera estimation for delayed feeds
Predictive display was created to efficiently teleoperate remote vehicles over high-latency channels. The system used a mathematical model which accepted live user input and delayed camera feeds to manually transform the image, simulating live movement, allowing for quicker and more responsive control of an otherwise delayed system.
My contributions include the mathematical model to predict vehicle location (with customizable parameters), designing a comfortable and configurable launch interface and testing and tweaking to ensure compatability for multiple platforms.

Not Paint - learning project for x86 assembly
A relatively old project, made to learn assembly's graphics processes and general workflow. Studied over the course of a few months, ending up with a functional "paint" project, including adjustable colors, brush sizes, an eraser and a "screen clear" button.